get organised
this easter i'm on a mission to uncover as many chocolate bunnies as possible and, alternatively: finish this year's tax declaration (>90%). so you imagine how ardent i will be at the task.
it is funny to notice what lame excuses the mind falls back on just to escape for a few minutes. for example: while i'm working at a bloody chaotic desk all year round, i suddenly need to get all the stuff out of the way to work on taxes. it's the desk, the computer, the calculator and me, basta. files and miscellanous paper all strewn over the floor (what a sight it must be from above).
every year i tell myself: next year you're going to be incredibly organised!(and i believe it). so case in point with these two(excuse the expression) super stylish helpers: the acrylic stuff box and the "accordion" archive folder. i want!
and now let me get busy with my taxes... wish you happy easter!
please note that the shop will be closed tomorrow friday and saturday march 30.
Labels: a touch of neon, displaying, i want, law and order, stationery, storing
the perenniel classic
well, the little brothers and sisters have arrived from hawaii. i'll soon fill you in on the earrings (yes, some of them quite spectacular, i promise), in the meantime here are 2 pics of the delicate chain necklaces.
in pic 1 focus on the (flatter) faceted chrysoprase drop; in pic 2 focus on the (fuller) faceted aquamarine drop
delicate chain necklace + sunshine + light summerdress
need we say more?
Labels: jewellery
just sold
my plan for this evening is: a big (huge) bowl of pasta and on top of that eastercake. saskia solved the problem in a less calorific way: she tried on this double necklace and it suited her like a charm. so out the door it went!
Labels: jewellery, sold today
getting closer
sure enough i have
the thing is: with this camera i can finally get as close as i always wanted! with my much loved iphone camera i couldn't.
i can't say i totally control this camera (i'm useless reading instruction leaflets, i won't even touch them, he,he) and it seems to have a major let-down: the colours are not rendered as i see them, even when the pics are taken in broad daylight (a bright neon red for example turns into orange).
steal from bf and infidelities to my iphone camera... i think this is bad for my karma. hell, all in the name of close-up pictures, but you're going to get a ton of them.
Labels: deco, nice little gifts, paper
need we say more? spring is finally here! all spring, summer (and autumn) ahead of us... isn't that the best perspective of the whole year?
in a thrill of anticipation i have given the shop a spring over, which then screamed for a cleaning of the shop window. done!
Labels: other
linen - the real thing

have you ever tried linen bedding?
maybe you shouldn't because once you've tried you will desperately want them! and you will never be enthusiastic again to buy a bed-set in ikea.
the problem you see, is that linen certainly is eye-wateringly expensive.
but oh-so-good.
so for more than a year i have been on the look-out for linen bedding for the shop. and i have found in france and the uk (pics of the latter). but i'm hesitating and so far haven't ordered because of the prices.
what's more i'm lacking the room in the shop to properly display it on a bed (which makes it quite irresistible).
on the other hand: spend 3 nights in a hotel and you will spend the same money. maybe you should just stay home instead and enjoy your linen bedding the entire weekend and for many years to come :-)
Labels: textile
just sold: two large ceramic bowls, one black, one grey.
picture via houzz.com
Labels: ceramics, sold today
the clock is ticking for...
well, i do! and let me add this: i also took the textile gift ribbons (in all the colours :-) and i also took the... but let's not reveal all here, keep posted!
Labels: in the pipeline, paper
good things coming your way

here's a little sneak peek of what to expect.
pic 1 i took at the bose stall at the january trade show
pic 2 by aude
Labels: birds, in the pipeline, jewellery
the beanie
there you have it... it's snowing again.
so yes, a last word on winter accessories. back in january i chose what to order for the next autumn/winter and i once more fell for chunky scarves, they're definitely here to stay.
but this winter the cool-kid award goes to... the beanie! suddenly they're everywhere and looking good. so not only is it an ear-saver and bad hairday solution, it's the ticket to effortless cool: we need!
so last week in paris i topped up my january order with beanies. i took the softest wool in a deep indigo blue, mustard yellow and dark grey.
and don't say you look like an idiot with a beanie! but let's talk about that next autumn, shall we?
pic 1 is mine, pic 2 by adam katz for W magazine
Labels: wearables
the mystery door
maybe over the years you've noticed my anxiety with keeping THAT door closed at all times or sneaking in and out furtively... it's because i'd have to instantly faint of shame if you ever saw the frightful mess!
this week-end i was on a special mission to clear up /clean up the kitchen where i store an astounding amount of things by comparison with the little space there is (between you and me: it is a wonderous thing i manage to find the looked for article most of the time, but not always...). all this - as you rightly imagine - not because of a heroic decision of mine, no, because of a control of the gas appliances. what, a stranger in my kitchen? a vision of horror to me.
so this morning he came, spent 5 minutes in my kitchen and off he went. done. considered that i spent many hours on the job i wish he'd stayed for longer! even though i have to pay for it. still, i'm very satisfied (wow, i can actually walk into the room, hey, i could even cook...) and am now considering to have an "open doors day" in the shop - believe me this is a onetime opportunity 'cause this won't last!
writing this i'm drinking a cup of ceylon tea: isn't that all very civilised?
Labels: law and order
day and night
thanks, Nathalie, for sending these lovely pictures! one with daylight, the other with candlelight.
Labels: candlesticks, ceramics, vases
hello again!

hi everyone!
i meant to get back to the usual 4-a-week-blog-regimen upon my return from paris, but.... paper work is dangerously piling up, help! i'm meaning to catch up but the wretched pile never seems to diminish (and my desk is an alarming mess).
my first post-paris post was to be about beanies, but hey, who's interested when the sun is out and temperatures on the rise? no one, i agree.
so without further comment a few pics from paris, as you can see, the sun was au rendez-vous :-)
i don't mean to spoil the weekend, but seems the cold weather and even snow might be back next week, so maybe the beanie will be on the agenda again, we'll see.
for now, ciao-ciao!
Labels: other
please note that the shop will be closed tuesday 5th of march.

(this pic i took from a poster this january at the fair in paris)
today saturday (after shop closure to be precise) it's time again for me to jump on the train to paris. shopping! for you and me, that is.
enjoy the weekend!

(this pic i took from a poster this january at the fair in paris)
today saturday (after shop closure to be precise) it's time again for me to jump on the train to paris. shopping! for you and me, that is.
enjoy the weekend!
Labels: en route
hello march!
it's still grey outside and the temperature was only 0°C when i stepped out this morning... but it's first of march: spring ahead!
so today's mood is for delicate things like these snowdrops - love this picture i downloaded from internet but sorry, absolutely can't remember who from. last sunday i tried to find some snowdrops in my mother's garden, but they were burried under the show and the petals hadn't unfolded yet. soon i'll make my own bouquet.
nature can't be topped for beauty, but when very young, hat wearing Mai, showed me these cut-out-lace earrings she makes with fleamarket lace, i took the bait: ok, bring them on. but i have to put a disclaimer on the metal hooks, she should find nicer ones. rome wasn't built in a day either.
Labels: jewellery