21 questions + answers - Peter

Peter, 64, born in London, gives money seminars and is an author
starsign: cancer
likes: beauty
dislikes: shrieking, overwound-up (too much sugar) children
1. which are the 3 words that describe you best?
gentle, curious, ambitious.
2. the natural talent you would like to be gifted with? multitasking with ease.
3. what is your principal defect?
thinking I have none!
4. which is your morning routine?
arise, shower, shave, coffee, muesli, toast, bacon and eggs…
5. do you exercise?
6. which is the trait of character that really attracts you in another person?
gentleness, beauty, awareness, consciousness in action.
7. which is the bad habit you would like to shed?
see 3J
8. where’s your favorite place to be?
in my centre.
9. what’s your favorite occupation?
10. what drives you in life?
creating love in business.
11. which is/was your happiest decade so far in life? can’t choose.
12. your thoughts on having children/not having children?
a soul decision.
13. you would never have guessed that life would turn out to be so…
sometimes exquisite and excruciating at the same time.
14. what do you aspire to?
evolving consciousness.
15. which is your most valued possession?
my first bank book!
16. whom do you dress for?
myself and those I’m going to meet.
17. what puts you in a good mood?
accomplishment, a good glass of …,
18. getting older is…
19. your present state of mind?
20. a motto you would care to live by?
all you need is love!
21. do you believe in luck?
yes and no.
Labels: 21 q+a