
summer bracelets

saskia wearing her new bracelet made with shellpieces combined with her silver leaf bracelet: a good match as we all can see!


this morning...

milena and i had a swim in the river before work: loved it!

picture by milena



new window display


every time i make a new window display i try to photograph it from the outside, but invariably i'm disappointed with the result: too much reflection etc. and it's not much better from the inside (too much distracting stuff around, too much backlight). so i usually get desperate and just make random shots in the hope that the one or other will be useable.

all pictures showing the whole window i had to trash, but i rather liked these partial takes...

these ceramic vases have been in my shop top 10 for the past few years. not bad/sad to have a collection like this :-) 

i'll be coming up with pictures shortly to show these ceramic vases "in action".

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alien pedestrians at the zebra crossing

more about this... next week.

just bought a ventilator as it gets freaky hot in the shop so customers and i may cool down every once in a while. now all the mobiles are dancing :-)

enjoy the weekend!

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neat idea

yesterday a young lady from mexico bought this little tree to hang her earrings/rings from.

now that's a neat idea! (why haven't i thought of it?)

so copycat me did it and here's the picture. 

someone like me with a million earrings would need a whole forest of trees! in such case just pick the ones that are in heavy rotation at the moment and keep the rest in a box. (btw you shouldn't store jewellery in the bath room!)

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a neon yellow firework

remember the made-in-zurich-hand-printed-cushions? well, i have a new version to show you with a neon yellow flower print... striking the right balance between old fashioned and today's taste for neon.

unfortunately it looks like these will be the last pieces printed on linen. the 3 makers have started printing on cotton now as it's less susceptible to wrinkling. bad idea, if you ask me! i'd go for beauty over convenience.  

the other print that is currently available is the neon orange dragonfly. unfortunately this one is already printed on cotton (same beige colour).

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inca ring

i told you about the new jewellery collection that i brought back from paris (cf post entry july 10th) and this ring is also part of it.

i like it! (obviously, obviously, otherwise i wouldn't have ordered it).



bunch of flowers

... all the lovely details of daniela's work.

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the pink parrot

what was my surprise when i saw Ella, our youngest family member, coming down the stairs sporting a mini rodini sweater, exactly like the ones i sell in the shop! pure coincidence, but a pleasure for me to see.

for the orange parrot version and more mini rodini tops go to post entry 30.4.13




i wish i had a window sill like this to display vases (and more) at home!

you know i love vases and i certainly have lost count of how many types i sell in the shop. 

while a flower may be dainty enough to grace any empty bottle i prefer a vase that looks good on its own too because i don't have flowers that often.

so even if i feel very inspired by this picture of the "house doctor" catalogue, if i look closely at the vases i'm less impressed: taken one at the time i'm not a fan of these vases that imitate old ones. no, (in various degree) they're not up to snuff.

so kudos to the stylist of this picture... and let's wait for real flea market finds to mix with other vases.

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en route

please note that the shop will be closed from july 16 - july 20.

some of you will be on a holiday too, enjoy!

summer bracelets

not the best picture, but you get the point: lovely bracelets to be worn solo or multiple. perfect for your summer holiday if you ask me!

the blue one is made with tiny sleeping beauty turquoise, there is another similar bracelet (not shown here) with lapis, a wonderful dark but luminescent blue stone that looks stunning on summer skin.



en route

high time i told you the shop is going to be closed next week... again, i know!!

this week away wasn't really planned, but it's not so often that i get the opportunity to be with my danish family, i'm so glad!

to relieve my guilty conscience i have taken my computer and paperwork with me so i will at least work a couple of hours everyday. and who minds working from such a nice little office like this?

so yes, shop closed but i will be posting so you don't forget about me :-)



tropical theme

it was many years since i last went to paris in the summertime and i must say it was quite la dolce vita! sun, sun and more sun.

the show, i'm afraid to say, was less inspiring that i had hoped for, but there is one novelty i look forward presenting to you in the shop next autumn (i know, i know!): embroidered brooches.

ok, so brooches are a bit of a special case, but just wait to see... i'll come up with pics with the brooches worn both by women and men. yes, men. in smokings.

please click on the picture for a better view.

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fresh from paris

sisters, 5 month of wait was well worth it: i'm now back from paris with this beautiful collection!

more earrings, bracelets and necklaces to be discovered in the shop :-)



en route

i have to let you know that today i'm catching a train after shop closure this evening: Paris calling!

last year i missed out on an important show because it was taking place in july instead of the usual month of september... but i'm not going to miss out this time! i hope to come back with exciting novelties in the pipeline.

please note that the shop will be closed on tuesday july 9.



nice idea

...if only we had enough space! (you know i can't get enough of the stacked system)

well, if you have, you know you could order here :-)

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summer shawls

ahhhhhhh.....time flies folks, but in a bad way, i'm not getting my work done! i'm currently fighting an uphill battle with paperwork, so it's not that i'm being lazy with posting, but rather that i'm trying to sort out administrative things (and i don't like it).

so just two quick pics of one of the new shawls, this one cotton with a cat face print.



up for grabs

a small batch of summer shawls has arrived. fabrics made of cotton, of 100% silk or a wool/silk mix. 

as a hello from this new danish brand beck søndergaard, the first lucky few will receive a free printed cotton bag. (which comes in very handy when you take your bathing gear to the beach/lake/river/pool).
