why has there been so little posting activity lately? well... dreadful tax declaration has held me back (i finally sent it off only 1 month and 9 days beyond due date...) and now i have caught a cold, croaky voice and have sore tummy muscles from coughing. yesterday they cut (=killed) a tree next to our house, today my newspaper was not delivered and it's raining cats and dogs (where the heck is my umbrella?) plus i have a s***load of work waiting for me this week-end. none of which is really a big deal but i long to re-discover my own mojo!
to leave you on a more positive note: i was delighted to see that in the "world's best restaurant" Noma in copenhagen they have the same ceramic vase that i have loved and sold in the shop for several years now! very beautiful.Labels: deco, scandinavian, vases