

miam... the colours of these calf velvet bags are so yummy you want to eat them! as mouthwatering as they are you'll have to wait yet a month or so for them to be made in paris, some of them "nature" others pimped with a gold or silver thread stitching until they land au boudoir. can't wait!

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promenons-nous dans les bois

who needs to go shopping when the woods are a riot of colours? I'll be visiting my lovely grandmother so
please note that the shop will be closed saturday october 18th.
porcellan brooches available in the shop

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out and about

this is the time of the year when squirrels gather nuts frenetically so they may be prepared for winter and have a proper feast in december. inspired by this i'm off to paris for a few days and a few little but shiny fairs. hope to come back with a lot of nuts for the shop!!
please note that the shop will be closed october 3rd and 4th, open again tuesday afternoon 14pm.
lovely cards as the one above are a stapple in the shop. most practical for bed-time stories!

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