snowflakes in the pipeline

on my black wintercoat with fluffy surface snowflakes can sit without melting so you can admire them in all their geometric beauty. how nature can make these perfect stars in such a variety is just a mystery to me.
it seems somewhat more plausible how japanese can recreate beautiful snowflakes of washipaper, although how they can stick to glass with just a spray of water is still quite a mystery. the snowflakes can be peeled off the windows and are entirely reusable. so you can store them away in spring and take them out again the next winter.
unfortunately i discoverd the washi-snowflakes a bit late for this season and they will only be available here in march. by then you will not want to see snowflakes anymore, so keep posted to see the more spring compatible variety that i have ordered too which is granny-lace. don't see what i mean?
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