double the trouble

i'm sure the world is not waiting for yet another internet shop to see the light, but all of you that did actually get back to me about the question wether or not to set up an e-shop did say yes!
so far i've always been reluctant because i never buy things on the internet myself (except for a bandoneon that never gets played) but then i'm told i'm a species of pre-history. another objection was that i enjoy the contact with customers and don't want to spend lonely days wrapping packages and cart them to the post office, but hello this is not going to happen... this is not "la redoute" here and i'll still spend my days working in the shop and get the odd parcels done in parallel. what really convinced me is a shop owner in north germany who said i MUST have an internet shop (she runs one herself).
take it from me, it's decided!
so anyone the above shown neclaces? you can get the one or the double!
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