sunday bits

tucked away in my favorite agglo coffee shop (eating once again too many warm croissants) i read in the newspaper that the basel art fair was a huge success with an all time high attendance. no wonder as so many seem to go for a networking party. i could do with some meeting fresh people too actually.
to quote louis jouvet: "il faut mettre de la vie dans son art et de l'art dans sa vie" (or was it the other way round?). i'm glad to say i did the latter last week as we were invited to pick up our freshly framed japanese artwork we had bought in a tiny gallery in paris. the frames i had found on an antic market a few years ago. i'm really happy with the result! even the backside of the frames are cute. all in all each set us back around chf 560.- but i think its totally worth it. i don't think i could have bought anything half as beautiful for double the money in basel.
nothing to rival with nature's beauty. on this sunday morning walk one minute the sun was out, the next it was raining. and windy it was too. very nice. these old sbb palletts rotting away wouldn't have looked wrong at the art fair i guess. as a child my mother showed me how to string strawberries on a grassstalk. really tasty.
to quote louis jouvet: "il faut mettre de la vie dans son art et de l'art dans sa vie" (or was it the other way round?). i'm glad to say i did the latter last week as we were invited to pick up our freshly framed japanese artwork we had bought in a tiny gallery in paris. the frames i had found on an antic market a few years ago. i'm really happy with the result! even the backside of the frames are cute. all in all each set us back around chf 560.- but i think its totally worth it. i don't think i could have bought anything half as beautiful for double the money in basel.
nothing to rival with nature's beauty. on this sunday morning walk one minute the sun was out, the next it was raining. and windy it was too. very nice. these old sbb palletts rotting away wouldn't have looked wrong at the art fair i guess. as a child my mother showed me how to string strawberries on a grassstalk. really tasty.
i'm so bummed both with this template and my homecomputer i want to make mincemeat of it! i swear this one is playing games with me. what you see on the screen is not what you get, it's driving me nuts.
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