
cuff love

if all goes well in my next life i'll be a jewellery maker... but in this life i'm loving to buy and sell them... to you :-)

here's another recent discovery that is to land in the shop soon. for the past few seasons bracelets have been my favorite staple, wearing a single piece or several at the time depending on the mood of the day. there is a good choice on offer in the shop but so far i had been looking for bangles and cuffs without much success. not so anymore. 

this wonderful picture is from anne's autumn/winter lookbook. (for a better look, please click on the pic) 

ladies, there's a ton of jewellery due to come in by beginning of december. i think i might exceptionally send out a special jewellery newsletter around that time to the ones interested. if you want to be on the list send me a mail at entrez@leboudoir.ch with "jewellery newsletter yes please" in the header.



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