
21 questions + answers - Andrea

1. which are the 3 words that describe you best?
"emotional, analytical fatalist" or "an unmarried husband" or "father without children"

2. the natural talent you would like to be gifted with?
the talent to play an instrument

3. what is your principal defect?
i can get stuck in own isolation and introversion

4. which is your morning routine?
get up at 6am, exercise, shower, half a banana, some almonds, hot water and off I go

5. do you exercise?
every day in the morning, a couple of times a week in the evening. i try to play football once a week.

6. which is the trait of character that really attracts you in another person?
i really could not say, must be something metaphysical.

7. which is the bad habit you would like to shed?

8. what’s your favorite place to be?
Pienza in summer, Lefkada in autumn, Zipolite in winter. Amalfi in spring

9. what’s your favorite occupation?
in fact it is interacting with people

10. what drives you in life?

11.which is/was your happiest decade so far in life?
this last one, with no doubts. i probably will say this decade after decade…

12. your thoughts on having children/not having children?
i always wanted, still want, but do not have, and i think i am fine with this.

13. you would never have guessed that life would turn out to be so…
easy, as i have really been lucky so far. do i have to start worrying for the future?

14. what do you aspire to?
to be open. to the other, the world, to myself.

15. which is your most valued possession?
genuinely none, at least so far.

16. whom do you dress for?
mainly function of mood and weather.

17. what puts you in a good mood?
all I like (see above)

18. getting older is…
i like to believe that it is getting wiser

19. your present state of mind?
i am in the mood for new input, new ideas, new energies

20. a motto you would care to live by?
i do not have a perfect one, but a few good ones: "Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone", "Live and let live", "Better late than never", "Forgive and forget", "It is better to give, than to receive", "No pain, no gain", "You are never too old to learn"

21. do you believe in luck?
i think that people cannot control much of their lives, and that fortune and misfortune are nuances of the same.
