

do i run a shop or does it run me? that is the question.
yesterday i was cleaning the shop window both in- and outside. it is tough for your arms and it's not easy to get a decent job done (very high window with stickers and an unstable ladder). after deciding on a new window display (hang on for pictures!) which desperately needs more electric light i was musing on how nice it would be to have an electrician do the job instead of my fiddling with the wiring. proper professionals! pie in the sky for now...
so imagine how surprised i was when i was sent this beautiful picture by hobby photographer Markus Lamprecht!
it's a still life of his girlfriend's arm, wearing the bracelet he had bought in the shop for her thirtiest birthday. très Versailles, don't you think? so big cheers & thanks to Markus! check out his homepage here http://www.markus-lamprecht.ch/
too bad i only had the one bracelet, it's gone!
